Juan's success story with the Mastering Diabetes Method and Mastering Diabetes coaching program is an inspiring example of how healthy lifestyle changes can make a significant difference in one's health.
Although he did not have diabetes, he decided to join the six-week challenge to live a healthier lifestyle. His main goal was to find an easier and sustainable way to eat healthily without having to worry about counting carbs or protein grams. Juan's hard work and dedication to the program paid off, and he lost 11 pounds during the challenge, going from 175 pounds to 164 pounds. He continued to lose more weight after the challenge and is now at his ideal weight of 162 pounds.
Juan also noticed an increase in insulin sensitivity throughout the challenge, which helped him to understand how foods and exercise impact his blood sugar levels. He learned how to make better decisions when it came to his health, such as understanding how his fasting glucose levels work for him.
Juan also noticed a significant improvement in his triglycerides, which decreased from almost 100 to 50 after getting his recent labs done. His lipid profile looks better overall, and he feels great about his progress.
Juan was particularly impressed with the Mastering Diabetes coaching program, where he received guidance from a coach who was very energetic and always looked for ways to help him implement the program's strategies in a sustainable way.
From there, he learned that the best way to improve his health was through a comprehensive method that looked not only at his blood glucose but also his lipid profile and overall health.
One of Juan's biggest takeaways from the challenge was learning how to limit his oil intake. He used to eat a lot of fried potatoes, but he now enjoys potatoes cooked in an air fryer without oil. He also increased his intake of fruits and leafy greens such as spinach, lettuce, kale, and spring mix, which he didn't eat much before. Overall, Juan is thrilled with his progress and feels like he has found a sustainable and enjoyable way to live a healthier life.