
Why Insulin Resistance Underlies All Forms of Diabetes – and What You Can Do About It

Article written and reviewed by Cyrus Khambatta, PhD and Robby Barbaro, MPH
Published August 11, 2020

Many medical professionals only associate insulin resistance with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes and most people living with diabetes make the same mistake. The truth is that insulin resistance can affect everyone living with diabetes. It turns out there are three different “flavors” of diabetes that we will cover in detail during this episode and insulin resistance is the central node that connects them all.

Specifically, we cover:

  • 0:55 — How Cyrus found out he was living with type 1 diabetes
  • 9:35 — Why diabetes is the best thing that ever happened to him
  • 11:48 — What is insulin resistance and what is the cause
  • 19:25 — The 3 “flavors” of diabetes and the central connecting puzzle piece that connects them all
  • 22:53 — How long does it take to reverse insulin resistance?
  • 31:08 — The number one challenge people face when making a lifestyle change, and how do you help them overcome that?

We hope you enjoyed the show and if you did please tag us on social media using @masteringdiabetes - we would love to hear from you.

About Cyrus Khambatta, Ph.D

Cyrus Khambatta, Ph.D., is a co-founder of Mastering Diabetes and is an internationally recognized nutrition and fitness coach who has been living with type 1 diabetes since 2002. Using an evidence-based approach to nutrition and fitness, he first reduced his own insulin usage by more than 40% and has educated thousands of people with all forms of diabetes how to reverse insulin resistance using diet and exercise. Cyrus earned a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University in 2003, then earned a Ph.D. in Nutritional Biochemistry from the University of California at Berkeley in 2012.

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About the author 

Cyrus Khambatta, PhD and Robby Barbaro, MPH

Cyrus Khambatta, PhD, and Robby Barbaro, MPH are the coauthors of the New York Times bestselling book Mastering Diabetes: The Revolutionary Method to Reverse Insulin Resistance Permanently in Type 1, Type 1.5, Type 2, Prediabetes, and Gestational Diabetes. They are the cofounders of Mastering Diabetes, a coaching platform that teaches people how to reverse insulin resistance via low-fat, plant-based, whole-food nutrition. Cyrus has been living with type 1 diabetes since 2002, and has an undergraduate degree from Stanford University and a PhD in Nutritional Biochemistry from UC Berkeley. Robby was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in 2000, and has been living a plant-based lifestyle since 2006. He worked at Forks Over Knives for 6 years, and earned a Master’s in Public Health in 2019.